着色糸 UHMWPE 400d、生地用レモンイエロー/ゴールドイエロー繊維
ホームページホームページ > 製品 > UHMWPE繊維 > 着色糸 UHMWPE 400d、生地用レモンイエロー/ゴールドイエロー繊維
着色糸 UHMWPE 400d、生地用レモンイエロー/ゴールドイエロー繊維

着色糸 UHMWPE 400d、生地用レモンイエロー/ゴールドイエロー繊維

製品紹介: DOYENTRONTEX®繊維はBJTYZ社が約20年前に開発したUHMWPE(超高分子量ポリエチレン)繊維です。 DOYENTRONTEX® 繊維は、独自の特性の組み合わせを備えています。
輸送パッケージビニール袋、丈夫なボール紙。 または交渉
  • テキスタイル用 400d UHMWPE 着色糸

DOYENTRONTEX®繊維はBJTYZが約20年前に開発したUHMWPE(超高分子量ポリエチレン)繊維です。 DOYENTRONTEX® 繊維は、独自の特性の組み合わせを備えています。 密度は1g/cm3弱なので水に浮きます。 しかし靭性は世界最高で、高級鋼の15倍にも達します。 弾性率は非常に高く、特別な種類のカーボンファイバーのみがこれを超えます。 破断伸びは他の高性能繊維と同様に低いですが、靭性が高いため破断エネルギーは高くなります。 現在、DOYENTRONTEX® 繊維は多くの用途分野で使用されています。
  • アドバンテージ
高強度と高弾性率を備え、靭性は高品質鋼の最大 15 倍にもなります。 低密度:0.97g/cm3、水より軽い。 高い耐衝撃性。 アンチエイジングと抗紫外線能力。 耐腐食性と耐海水性。 耐摩耗性および耐疲労性: 低い誘電率、高い電気抵抗および誘電正接。 耐熱性: 低温で強度と弾性率が増加します。
  • 主な用途:
個人用保護具 (防護服、爆弾ブランケット、防弾ヘルメット、防弾プレート) 防弾装甲 (装甲車両、警察車両、対爆ヨット) 海洋航行 (掘削プラットフォーム、アンカーケーブル、曳航ロープ、係留ロープ、ターミナルホイストロープ) 産業用途(耐切創手袋、ホイストロープ、風力タービンケーブル) 航空宇宙工学(神州宇宙船回収システム再突入モジュール、航空ケージ、高精度宇宙船) 海洋漁業(商業用漁網、海洋養殖網) アウトドアスポーツ(登山用ロープ、パラシュートロープ、セーリングロープ、凧糸、釣り糸)
  1. 注 1: 1 g/タグ = 0,883 cN / dtex、1 cN / dtex = 95,098 MPa
  2. 業界標準 FZ/T 54027-2010
  3. 注2: 業界標準はBJTYZによって設計されました
製品分類レベル (デフォルト)靭性g/d弾性率/dアプリケーション

Company IntroductionBeijing Tongyizhong New Material Technology Corporation (TYZ), a certified company by ISO 9001:2015 and affiliated to the State Development and Investment Corporation (SDIC) and held by China SDIC International Trade , is one of the largest and earliest manufacturers for UHMWPE/HMPE fiber since 1994 and its composite ballistic materials including but not limited to PE UD, aramid UD and other ballistic products.As a National High-tech Enterprise specialized in R&D, production and sales of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber and its composites, BJTYZ has become a word-famous high performance fiber supplier that employs over 500 staffs and covers plant area of 50000 square meters through 20 years' fast development.TYZ, one of the first domestic enterprises doing industrial technology research on UHMWPE fiber, launched the research since 1994, and has become one of the three companies took the lead in realizing the industrialization of Gel Spinning of UHMWPE fiber. As a leading enterprise in UHMWPE fiber, with 20 years' development, BJTYZ has its own complete intellectual property rights for key technologies. They have filed 45 patent applications, among which 30 inventive patents have been authorized, including 1 European patent and 1 Korean patent. These inventive patents cover all the technological areas of UHMWPE fiber and its composites. BJTYZ also took charge of the draft of the industrial standard for UHMWPE fiber, which had been approved by MIIT and officially promulgated and implemented on April 1st, 2011.BJTYZ has already built up the research & development center which has an innovation team of 90 technicians, including nearly 30 postgraduates. Their developmental achievement has won the Second Prize for National Science and Technology Advance in 2009, also their inventive patent has achieved the 11th China Patent Award of Excellence in 2009. BJTYZ has formed strict production management and inspection & test system, and has got both ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System Certificate and GJB9001C-2017 National Military Quality Management System Certificate. With good quality, stable performance and reasonable price, DOYENTRONTEX® Fibers and composites are widely recognized by both domestic and overseas customers. Based on the powerful research and transformation capability of scientific and technological achievements, BJTYZ holds the ability to provide customers with various solutions. DOYENTRONTEX® Fiber has been successfully used in the final maritime salvage and recovery parachutes of the "SHENZHOU Spaceship 5, 6, 7, 8, 9", the military amphibious tank beach gear system and the emergency landing system of war craft runaway, which have made great contributions towards strengthening the construction of national defense and public safety equipment in the world.